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Kasra Mansourian, M.S.

Medical Student, Co-advised by Dr. Provenza & Dr. Sheth

I am a Tulane medical student joining the lab for a dedicated research year. I received my B.S. in biopsychology from UCSB and my M.S. in molecular medicine from Tulane. After graduating, I worked in the Margolis/Waung lab at UCSF where I studied neural circuitry involved in pain and addiction. There I developed a growing interest in functional neurosurgery as I learned more about the ways in which neurosurgeons are able to monitor and modulate aberrant brain circuits. I look forward to working with this skilled and collaborative team to further explore the utility of deep brain stimulation in psychiatric disorders.

Kasra Mansourian, M.S.
Provenza Lab Logo

Developing more effective neuromodulation therapies for mental illness.


Baylor College of Medicine

Department of Neurosurgery


6550 Fannin St.

Houston, TX 77030

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