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Isha Chakraborty, B.S.

Ph.D. Student

Isha completed her Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Information and Data Science at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 2023. She is a second year MS/Ph.D. student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department advised by Dr. Ashutosh Sabharwal. She is currently supported by NIH's National Library of Medicine Training Program in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, additionally co-mentored by Dr. Nicole Provenza and Dr. Sameer Sheth. She is interested in developing tools for digital health using deep learning methods. Outside of research, in her free time, she loves reading my way through bestseller lists, exploring new coffee shops, and taking new dance classes!

Isha Chakraborty, B.S.
Provenza Lab Logo

Developing more effective neuromodulation therapies for mental illness.


Baylor College of Medicine

Department of Neurosurgery


6550 Fannin St.

Houston, TX 77030

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